Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Have ticket, will travel

We arrived at Casa de Esperanza safe and sound tonight and were promptly fed a wonderful meal (which we needed after doing nothing but travel all day...)

By the way, the Polizia in Nogales only stopped our van because they didn't get to the first one that made the illegal left turn in the first place! So we were easy targets.

Tomorrow we begin our work here. Thanks for all your prayers and please continue to pray that we may be effective in carrying out God's purpose for us here.

We will be posting more pictures - tomorrow, since we all need to have some sweet dreams tonight.

Buenos noches!

Posted by Lin

1 comment:

  1. You made it - awesome! Hope you have a great day today - may the Holy Spirit be your guide!

    Youth team made it back last night safe & sound, and a little sleepy!

